Please Pre-Register: Hitting Pay Dirt with Composting

  Dates & times
  Category Adult Program
  Age Groups


Hitting Pay Dirt with Composting 

Learn about making usable soil from food scraps and yard trimmings at a workshop, “Hitting Pay Dirt with Composting,” at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, April 12, in the New Carlisle Library, 111 E. Lake St.

Steve Schlather, program coordinator for the Clark County Solid Waste District, will discuss what and how to compost, as well as how to deal with common problems.

The workshop is free, but anyone interested is asked to register in advance.  Register by calling the library, 845-3601, or by emailing Adult Programs Coordinator Tillie Jamison,

Anyone who registers by April 10 will receive a free countertop compost container, suitable for storing kitchen scraps. At the end of the workshop, a drawing will be held for a free compost bin.

For information, contact Steve Schlather, (937) 521-2022 or