The Buzz on Bees

  Dates & times
  Category Children's Program, Teen Program
  Age Groups


Welcome to the CROW series, Children Respecting Our Wildlife; the new program
series in collaboration with the New Carlisle Library. Delve into the lives of the wildlife
that live right in our own “backyard”. Each month, hear a story, learn some cool facts
and do a craft or other interactive activity. This program will sometimes involve outside
activities. Each program will be at the New Carlisle Library, 111 E Lake Ave, New
Carlisle, OH 45344.

The Buzz on Bees, 1:00 – 2:00 PM, Wednesday, September 6
Bees are a huge part of our environment, giving us many things such as flowers, fruits
and vegetables. Find out how a bee does its job and just how it helps us so much. Have
a snack provided by bees!

Batty for Bats!, 1:00 – 2:00 PM, Wednesday, October 4
From the size of a bumblebee to a 7 foot wingspan, bats come in many sizes and live all
over the world. These mysterious, winged wonders have some of us scared and others
fascinated. Learn all about the misunderstood mammals. Make your own bat craft to
take home!

Wild for Turkeys, 1:00 – 2:00 PM, Wednesday, November 1
Learn all about the beautiful, wild turkey and why it became the one of the symbols of
the Thanksgiving holiday. Make a turkey of your own to take home.