Guiding Good Choices Parenting Classes with FYI
Guiding Good Choices Parenting Classes with FYI
Guiding Good Choices Parenting Classes

Join us at the library for a Children's Program during a Parenting Class by FYI (Family and Youth Initiatives) of New Carlisle!

Guiding Good Choices will cover topics like:

Importance of Family Meetings
Specific actions that promote healthy development
Strategies to build family connections

There will be a light dinner provided for the class and the children's program. Please register by SEPTEMBER 12 to Parenting Network Director Rebecca Swearingen at or call 937-845-0403

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Family Movie

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Family Movie & Free Popcorn
A talking dog encounters a haunted house, a creepy neighbor, and a scary canine.  
Running Time:  1 hour and 25 minutes; Rated PG

Stroke Survivor Support Group

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Stroke Survivor Support Group
If you have had a stroke, or a family member has experienced one, or if you just want to learn more about strokes, please come.

Questions?  Contact Adult Programs Coordinator Tillie Jamison,, or 937-845-3601, ext. 111.

Automatic Writing

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Automatic Writing 
What will emerge from the subconscious or spiritual worlds in your writing?

Questions?  Contact Adult Programs Coordinator Tillie Jamison, 937-845-3601, ext. 111 or

Please Pre-Register: Make a Book Clock

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Please Pre-Register:  Make a Book Clock

This clock will feature book covers that have the number in the title.  

Bring your list of books to the library by October 20 to be made and laminated....or make them the size you want and bring them in to be laminated.

Questions?  Contact Adult Programs Coordinator Tillie Jamison, 937-845-3601, ext. 111 or email



Please Pre-Register by Phone: Free Tarot Readings

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Please Pre-Register by Phone:  Free Tarot Readings
Help us welcome our tarot card graduates by getting a free reading!  For entertainment purposes only.
Call 845-3601 for more information or to register.

Please Pre-Register by Phone: Make a CD Mandala

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Please Pre-Register by Phone:  Make a CD Mandala

Call 845-3601 for more information or to register.

Halloween Storytime

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Halloween Storytime
Feel free to wear your costume, if you like!

Mystery Book Club

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Mystery Book Club
Lynne Nickell will be leading the group.   The book is Blood Defense by Marcia Clark and is a fast read with lots of action!  Blood Defense is the first book featuring Defense Attorney Samantha Brinkman.  Join in for a lively discussion!

Contact Adult Programs Coordinator Tillie Jamison for more information, 845-3601, ext. 111, or

Date Night Movie (PG-13) Free Movie, Free Popcorn

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Date Night Movie
Rated PG-13.
Enjoy a free movie and free popcorn!